Wednesday, December 2, 2009

7-3 picked these 2 jokes and the pic

Do you know how to catch a squirrel?
Climb a tree and act like a nut!

What did the traffic light say to the car?
Don't look I'm changing!

Another day of constant chatting. If you want a full recess tomorrow, you will have to be quiet and I know that you all can be quiet because this class usually is.

Interview times have been confirmed in student agendas.

Last day for movie permission forms.


  1. Anonymous12/03/2009

    hey miss ireland computer class is fun this year to bad we dont have it all year thanx for teaching us so far wat u did

  2. Anonymous12/03/2009

    that pic was awsome . I liked it it was funny

  3. Anonymous12/07/2009

    lol the joke is soo funny lol

    - angel 7-2

  4. Anonymous12/07/2009

    i guess alvin and the chipmunks wanted to go with rock and roll instend LOL

  5. i am glad u liked it Angel. i thought it was funny 2.

  6. Anonymous1/07/2010

    hahaha lol this is funny
