Thursday, September 22, 2011

I found these poems by accident, and I am glad I did.

I Wish
by Keith B.

I wish my friend didn't talk behind my back
I wish that school wasn't a scary place
I wish that I could stop the meanness
I wish to help the world
I wish I could change
I wish...
but which one will come true?

What If...?
by Liz S.

What if the sky could sing a tune?
What if the gleaming sun was the moon?
What if the twinkling stars smiled down?
What if everyone dressed as a clown?

But what if the sky forever turned gray,
And the moon and the sun just faded away?
What if the stars could never shine?
What if I changed this world of mine?


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9/27/2011

    i like these poems they remind me of something O wait never mind forgot it now =0
